Jason Scriven


Jason Scriven treats anxiety, stress, and depression in Victoria, BC.

Divorce and Separation | Career | Men’s Anxiety & Depression

You will enjoy working with me

If you are seeking a calm, safe space to discuss the challenges that you are facing. No judgment. No expectations.  

If you’d like someone to stand by your side as you find your way forward.

If you’d like to become more confident in managing your life when it goes sideways.

Are We a Good Fit?

If you are feeling anxious, depressed, scared, tired, or alone for any reason, I would love to meet you.  The first session with me is FREE so you can try it out with no commitment.

Specific Areas of focus

  • People going through separation, divorce, or other relationship challenges.

  • Company founders who feel like they are fighting the battle alone.

  • First time people managers who feel like an imposter.

  • Athletes with anxiety about their performance.

  • Law enforcement, fire fighters, paramedics, and search and rescue team members who don’t have anyone to talk to about what they’ve experienced.

What does working with me look like?

“No one of us is as smart as all of us”

(Ken Blanchard).

In that spirit, I see you as the expert on your life and my role as helping you to identify the patterns, behaviors and relationships that have shaped your personality. 

We will learn together as we talk, person-to-person, about the experiences in your life, what you’re challenged with in the moment and where there is disconnect between your values and your behaviours.

Each session will follow a simple format:

  • Review of what’s happened since the last session.

  • Identifying the issues that are most pressing to you at that moment.

  • Talking through your feelings and looking for meaning and patterns.

  • Agreeing on behaviour changes that you can try out between sessions.

  • Ending the session feeling motivated and hopeful of positive change.

There is no secret sauce here, you just need a willingness to do the work. 

Ready to work together this weekend?

schedule a free session