be the man you know you can be

Jason Scriven treats men’s anxiety, stress, and depression related to divorce, separation, and relationships in Victoria, BC.

Men’s Anger | Male Depression | Addiction Behaviors

Embarrassed at your failures as a father, husband, or son?

Checking out of life through on-line gambling or other additions?

Feel alone with no one to talk to?

I’ve been there.

I was sad, scared, and alone.

I lost my 27 yr marriage, my job, and my house

in a six month period.

and now…

I know what’s important to me

I am learning to share my emotions

I understand my shame and anger

I am closer to the people in my life

Now, I help men who want:

🔐A safe space to share your fears without shame or embarrassment.

⚖️No judgement. No expectations.

📈a guide and a plan to a better life.

If you want to be alone, then carry on in your fortress of solitude


Meet with me and start reconnecting with yourself and the people in your life.