Measure Twice and Cut Once

The toughest decisions you make in your life always involve measure twice and cut once.

My father worked in his father's lumber yard, the so virtue of carefully measuring the wood before you make the cut is well engrained in me. The same thinking applies when cutting someone out of your life, or business.

  • Initial reactions are often wrong, especially if the person has a different background or life experiences than you. Have another look once you get to know who they are.

  • Like the corners where the floor joists meet, sometimes things just don't fit. A change in environment can often lead to seeing someone in a new and better light.

  • Once you've taken your time and made your measure of the person in front of you, they should know the cut is coming. Make it quick, make it clean, and be respectful of the person, and their feelings.

Some cuts are deeper than others, but all are personal.


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