Fit, Grit, and Time to Quit
Jason Scriven Jason Scriven

Fit, Grit, and Time to Quit

Fit, Grit, and Time to Quit...the 3 stages of a marriage. Here's hoping you never get to third stage. I was married for 27 years and checked all 3 of these boxes.

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The biggest question I get from clients is…
Jason Scriven Jason Scriven

The biggest question I get from clients is…

Here's the situation: Your wife asks you to move out of the house and she's filing for divorce. She doesn't bat an eyelash, shed a tear, or show any emotion as she changes the locks and puts your stuff in driveway.

I have been in that situation and I know it's confusing.

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I Don’t want to save you
Jason Scriven Jason Scriven

I Don’t want to save you

I want you to come to me at the worst time in your life, so that I can give you the tools and support you need.

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Wipe the lens clean of Anger
Jason Scriven Jason Scriven

Wipe the lens clean of Anger

It's hard to see what's ahead through the hazy red lens of anger, resentment, and shame. Here's how it happens and how you can wipe the lens clean.

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Making the case for a Divorce Coach
Jason Scriven Jason Scriven

Making the case for a Divorce Coach

The Journal for the American Bar Association recently published an article on why hiring a Divorce Coach is good for the client and the attorney.

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